Sculptor Saim Caglayan was commissioned in 2014 by Friends of King Kaumuali‘i to sculpt the last king of Kaua‘i. Dr. Keao NeSmith who is 6-great grandson of the king did the modeling for the maquette which was cast in bronze for a small edition and then enlarged to eight feet for installation which took place on 2020 at Pu‘ula‘ula State Park in Waimea, Kaua‘i.
Kaumuali‘i (c. 1778–May 26, 1824) was the last independent ali‘i nui (supreme ruler of the island) of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau before becoming a vassal of Kamehameha I within the united Kingdom of Hawai‘i in 1810. He was the 23rd high chief of Kaua‘i and reigned during 1794–1810.

Saim’s bronze statue of the King Kaumuali‘i was installed on spring equinox at Pa‘ula‘ula State Park in Waimea, Kaua‘i.
Here with Dr. Keao Ne Smith who posed for the sculpture is the grandson of the King Kaumuali’i.
Here with Dr. Keao Ne Smith who posed for the sculpture is the grandson of the King Kaumuali’i.